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Love and Life’s Teachings

satao camp

I have had a few quiet days in the past week. Spent mostly in stress-reliving activities like reading , traveling, cooking and playing with my daughter. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new. last week was a week of learning more about love and friendships.

The memories of our unspoilt nature and abundant wild life is still fresh in my mind from about a week ago when we stayed In the Satao Tented Camp.

We were surrounded by a variety of animals and in particular hundreds of elephants almost 24 hours a day! and strangely enough this was very peaceful for me. And on our drives through the park we enjoyed the encounters with many other species including five lions! The stay in the wild almost took my thoughts away from the big and busy world to just unwind and relax.

I did however bring a book with me to Satao Camp and enjoyed reading it during my game viewing from the tent. I just love this book, which I stumbled across quite accidentally. Although in essence it is a sad story about a woman being emotionally abused by her husband, I find the very honest and intimate description of her emotional journey to inner peace very beautiful and inspiring. As much as I have never been in an abusive relationship, I can relate to so much of her struggles in many other ways.

I have very many painful memories of my parents troubled marriage and divorce which I din’t understand… and probably never will.

They are happily re-married now, and even though I subconsciously decided to block out most of my childhood memories to prevent me from the stressful days I and my siblings had as pre-teens. This book gives me a fresh pair of eyes. It’s as if my mom wrote it, her words unspoken….

love isnt supposed to hurt

Its hard to put this book down, save for a day like yesterday when we spent an amazing afternoon at a play date for Nielsine with her friend Elly.

elly and NielsineElly is about half a year older than her, they play so well together, and now after they have met several times they have really become good friends. And its great to see how my friendship with Elly’s mom has blossomed thanks to our children. Its incredible how many moms I’ve met at social gatherings thanks to my daughter and her innocent interactions with new little friends. I think it is important to make time for the parents of the friends you think your child will have long term relationships with. Imagine a world full of the innocent and genuine love of children?

play dateLove,

Silvia xox