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Easy Baby Girl Skirt

On a chill day at home, you will almost always find Nielsine wearing pretty much a diaper and nothing else. occasionally , I will dress her in a onesie or a dress.

baby skirt

Here is a cute little skirt I made for her. It is perfect for the sunny weather . here is how I did it



1. Cut out two more or less similar pieces from the same fabric. I made them 22” x 12” . This will depend on how gathered you would like the skirt to be. I normally use 3 times the size of her waist as the overall waist of the skirt before gathering.

12inches is the length of the skirt, with the seam allowance.



2.I used an elastic band 1/2” wide.

Fold over, iron and sew on both pieces of the fabric. This will be the waist line

elastic band


After sewing the elastic casing.




3. Hem the bottom of the skirt




4. Join the sides of the skirt, leaving an opening to insert the elastic, where the seams meet. Use a safety pin to pull the elastic in the casing you made.

The length of the elastic band, is the size of her waist.


Ruffle the skirt as desired.



Finish off by securing the elastic.


Easy peasy !



Complete with a matching flower in her hair.

Nielsine first wore it on a crawling trip down to the garden. Taking her time to enjoy the greenery and spend time with her two best friends, the Japanese spitz Furahi and the Yorkie Toutou

Japanese Spitz and Nielsine

You may have noticed that she now is sporting some baby locks.  They are only one week old and I can’t wait for them to lock and grow longer and longer. I have been meaning to lock her hair  before she turns one, I was just waiting for it to achieve the desired lenght. I think they are really cute and a very natural way to let her hair grow.

I made them very loosely on her scalp with very little bees wax. It took me about 8 hours over two days, on and off ,and I really like them on her. Now just patiently, waiting for them to lock !



have a great weekend.
